The Worship Service


An Invitation is sometimes extended at the close of a sermon. This is simply an expedient or convenient time to invite those who are moved by their understanding of God's Word to make an obedient response to the gospel. That is, to respond in faith (Hebrews 11:6), acknowledge repentance of their sins (Luke 13:3), confess Jesus as their Lord (Matthew 10:32), and be immersed (baptised) in water for the forgiveness of their sins (Acts. 8:35-29, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:12, Acts 2:38). In baptism they are raised up to walk a new life in Christ Jesus and added to His body, the Church (Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, I Corinthians 12:13). Also, it is a time for members of the church who have grown weak and whose sins are known publicly to seek restoration and renewal to the body of Christ the Church (Acts 8:33, James 5:16). It is also a time when special prayers for special strength or needs can be requested.